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  • Idea-to-Market Engine, On-Demand Innovations, Sci-Tech Contests

    ENVÍO DE PROYECTO / TAREA DEL SOLICITANTE Al enviar información a Tekapult, por la presente acepto cumplir con todas sus reglas y condiciones y pagar todas las tarifas y costos según lo dispuesto en este documento. Pagos: cargo administrativo de $ 895.00 Tarifas de Tekapult (10% del monto de la recompensa del proyecto): $ Costos (por contrato separado): anticipo de $ 3,000 Cantidad total: Comuníquese con el representante de Tekapult para obtener información sobre la cuenta de transferencia bancaria.

  • Manufacturing in US Trade Zone Article | Tekapult

    MANUFACTURING IN U.S. FOREIGN TRADE ZONES: UNEXPLOITED PROFIT-BOOSTER Any company in the world may manufacture its goods in the U.S. Foreign / Free Trade Zones (“FTZ”) for their sales or consumption in the United States or globally. FTZ physically located on the U.S. soil are legally deemed to be outside the U.S. commerce and customs territory. Manufacturers use FTZ to duty-free assemble, re-label, exhibit, mix, store, clean, re-package, examine, sample, repair, destroy rejects/waste, produce and process their goods. Foreign and domestic goods warehoused, manipulated, or processed in FTZ may be infinitely kept in FTZ bond-free and duty-free. Federal law prohibits state and local ad valorem taxation of FTZ stored / processed imported goods and U.S. made goods held in FTZ for exportation in its original or processed form. The U.S. Constitution prohibits American states from levying duties on imports and exports, and federal laws preempt state laws encumbering easiness of through-FTZ goods’ legal transshipment. U.S. Foreign-Trade Board (“Board”) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”, which “activates'' and supervises FTZ, enforces anti-trust, intellectual property, consumer protection, and other U.S. laws) jointly govern2 FTZ establishment and operation. FTZ is a 2,000-acre industrial park with warehouses (providing leasable storage and distribution space to users) and land lots on which FTZ users can construct their own facilities. Majority of FTZ board-approved and CBP-activated sites in the nation have available space for FTZ users’ (tenants). If the existing FTZ (space limit that could be activated) cannot serve the manufacturer’s needs, then a subzone (a grantee-sponsored specific purpose private plant site, which may not be tied to a specific company) may be established as per the Board’s finding that the requested operation meets public interest test and cannot be conducted in the existing FTZ. ​ U.S. government’s industry-specific federal incentives span from manufacturer’s tax credits and commercial building tax deduction to EB-5 immigrant investor visas and grants for employment and training, renewable energy, rural development, science / engineering research, etc. To attract inward investment, each state offers incentives (which could be used by manufacturers in and adjacent to FTZ areas) including loans, industrial property tax exemption, a new job tax credit, pre-employment workforce upgrade training, etc. Setting up a subsidiary company or entering into a joint venture with a U.S. company provides the FTZ-based foreign manufacturer with local skilled workforce, non-corrupt judicial / administrative system, state-of-the-art electronic, manufacturing and banking gear, reliable intrastate commercial transportation, low energy costs and other U.S. business attributes. Manufacturers’ production activity and its scope must be Board authorized/ licensed. The Board may exclude from FTZ any goods or production process that it believes is harmful to the public interest, health, or safety. FTZ production activity is restricted to the foreign-status materials, components and finished products specified in applications and falling within the authorization purview. Products manufactured in FTZ with primarily U.S. made components may qualify for "Made in U.S.A." labels. U.S. quota limits do not apply to FTZ-admitted goods until these goods subsequently enter the U.S. commerce. Quota-restricted goods, except certain textiles, may be substantially transformed in FTZ to non-quota articles resulting in their subsequent quota-unrestricted entry into the customs’ territory. Quota-restricted merchandise may be placed into FTZ until the quota limit is lifted or it is exported out of FTZ. ​ Materials and components cannot be used in FTZ production operation without Board’s specific prior authorization culminating the notification and subsequent application (where warranted) process, including the Federal Register notice publication and invitation for public comment. Production equipment or its parts admitted for FTZ-based manufacturing are not subject to duty until such fully assembled equipment is in fact used (after installation and testing) for in-zone manufacturing activity. Deferred duty payment becomes due upon an assembled-in-FTZ product’s exit from the FTZ. Only equipment and parts designated for in-FTZ production activity are eligible for such duty deferral, provided such activity results in a foreign article’s “substantial transformation” to a different article having a different character, name, condition, and use so to cause a change in the article’s customs classification. Materials used in the installation or assembly of production equipment, construction or modification of the plant containing the production equipment, are ineligible for such production equipment duty deferral. No excise tax or duty is levied on goods exported from FTZ. Domestic goods moved into FTZ for export are entitled to excise tax rebates and drawback (a refund of previously paid duties on imported components of exported goods). As FTZ users have the right to exclude profit and general expenses (and costs of in-FTZ processing and manufacturing) in foreign goods’ dutiable value calculations, no duties are imposed on overhead, labor and profit attributable to in-FTZ manufacturing. Duty is deferred on goods’ transportation in-bond (transiting) from FTZ-to-FTZ until the goods finally enter the U.S. territory or exported to other countries. ​ Foreign goods’ trade and the manufacture of alcohol-containing beverages, products and perfumes, clock and watch movements, firearms, tobacco, and sugar are not allowed in FTZ. No residence is permitted in FTZ. Retail trade may not be conducted in FTZ. Manufacturers may obtain FTZ temporary or permanent site approval and manufacturing authorization (until the Board completes its processing of a notification) from the Board. Companies may operate FTZ by either themselves or sub-contract their FTZ operation and management. Private parties may own FTZ land and facilities. If a title to land or facilities is conveyed after a grant of authority is issued, the FTZ grantee must retain (per agreement with the subsequent owner) control necessary for carrying out grantee’s obligations. Since FTZ operates as a public utility, FTZ grantees may set their fees (to be paid by FTZ participants) to recover costs connected with the grantee’s function and a reasonable return on investment. This reasonable profit concept applies to the grantee and grantee’s contractors engaged for zone-related functions. Grantees cannot base their fees on the FTZ users’ benefits derived from the FTZ program, but may set different fee levels for FTZ participants’ categories based on the uniformly applied criteria. ​ Manufacturing / warehousing facilities’ locations inside or adjacent to FTZ (within 60 miles or 90 minutes of driving time from the port-of-entry’ outer limits) minimize product-to-market time, spare or production parts’ delivery, and lower operating costs. The CBP required theft-preventing security, audit-inspection, and computerized reporting (compatible with the CBP automated system) measures result in the company’s improved efficiency and error/ inventory loss elimination. FTZ based just-in-time delivery reduces manufacturers’ transportation, production, transaction documentation and cargo-movement logistical support costs. Single “weekly entry”, “direct delivery”, and other customs’ streamlined procedures decrease long-hold times at ports-of-entry and goods’ shipment time. ​ A manufacturer’s U.S. representative may streamline and centralize obtaining U.S. government agencies’ approvals for FTZ establishment, manufacturing activity, and operation; promptly taking regulation-compliance actions; facilitating local state’s enabling legislation, technology transfer, intellectual property registrations and dispute resolutions. FTZs are mutually beneficial for the U.S. (fostering foreign investment and job creation) and domestic and foreign manufacturers (by amplifying their profitability) gaining their products’ cost-effective and expeditious inculcation into the U.S. and foreign marketplaces. ​ * Border crossing goods are also regulated by Food and Drug Administration (safety and security of food supply, human and veterinary drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and radiation-emitting products); Environmental Protection Agency (the manufacture or import of chemicals); Department of Commerce (import or export of natural gas); Consumer Product Safety Commission (consumer products’ hazardous conditions); Department of Agriculture (food, natural resources, animal, and agricultural health); Federal Trade Commission (labeling of fur, textile and wool products); Fish and Wildlife Service; Alcohol & Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and other federal agencies.

  • Tekapult, LLC - Asset Monetization / Project Funding Procurement

    Preguntas más frecuentes Presentaciones de video: prácticas, perspicaces y llenas de ejemplos / historias de la vida real para cada punto clave y listas de verificación. Singularidad: leyes / regulaciones federales de EE. UU. Resumidas y sin "términos legales", que todas las organizaciones que realizan negocios en EE. UU. O con empresas estadounidenses "necesitan conocer". Pagos: Tekapult acepta tarjeta de crédito, tarjeta de débito y PayPal. tPrimers: V longitud ariable y el modo de presentación, puntos clave de la formación de vídeo tema enfocado. On-Demand: los participantes de T's Corporate pueden solicitar cursos de temas específicos que serán producidos por los expertos de T y traducidos a muchos idiomas. Aplicación movil: Los compradores de T's tPrimers pueden ver en cualquier momento el material del curso de T en dispositivos móviles. Registro: T proporciona a sus Aliados un software que rastrea los asistentes al curso y la emisión de la Certificación. Ventaja competitiva: Las empresas y gobiernos nacionales y extranjeros, que capacitaron a sus empleados para cumplir con las leyes y regulaciones de los EE. UU., Serían consideradas más favorablemente por las empresas y agencias gubernamentales estadounidenses que las empresas que no cumplen en la consumación de las transacciones comerciales. Suscripciones a servicios basados ​​en la nube: contratos de 3 años, los contratos de 5 años tienen cargos anuales más bajos. Asignaturas: Consulte los temas y los cursos personalizados que se prepararán según la demanda de Ally. Venta de software: venta de cursos bajo demanda a aliados / clientes corporativos. Derechos de propiedad: las presentaciones, incluido todo el material adjunto, son propiedad exclusiva de T y pueden ser utilizadas por T para sus fines comerciales según lo considere oportuno. Materias: La mayoría de las materias en más de 100 campos del derecho generalmente no se enseñan en las facultades de derecho de EE. UU. Certificado: Los certificados se emitirán electrónicamente tras la presentación de la prueba de finalización del curso. Tecnología legal: computadoras compatibles con PC y Mac. Idiomas: Presentaciones en 48 idiomas.

  • Tekapult - Asset Monetization / Project Funding Procurement

    ASESORES INDEPENDIENTES DE "THINK TANK" EN LA CASA Soluciones estratégicas, creativas, autorizadas y viables adecuadas Recomendaciones : libre de políticas internas, relaciones o decisiones previas Utilización del conocimiento de la operación del Cliente para soluciones de múltiples tareas. Soporte en transacciones , operación comercial y litigio Erudición interdisciplinaria integrada , creatividad y conexiones de expertos Equipos de consultores de élite legales, financieros y de gestión empresarial

  • Idea-to-Market Engine, On-Demand Innovations, Sci-Tech Contests

    TÉRMINOS Y PROCEDIMIENTOS DEL CONCURSO Inicio del proyecto: El solicitante proporciona a Tekapult (1) un tema, tema o problema deseado; (2) objetivo de la tarea / proyecto; (3) especificación, parámetros u otros criterios de medición; (4) descripción de las recompensas; y (5) pago de tarifas de Tekapult . Pasos de Tekapult : Tekapult dentro de los 90 días o antes de dicha Iniciación del Proyecto prepara un sitio web dedicado y, si corresponde, utiliza sus redes privadas, medios y otros medios para atraer a los mejores talentos del mundo para realizar las tareas asignadas. Solicitantes : una empresa privada o de propiedad pública, o agencias y organizaciones estatales / federales. El Solicitante cooperará con Tekapult en todos los asuntos promocionales, de evaluación de entradas, premios y técnicos. Tarifa para solicitantes: cargo administrativo inicial de $ 895.00, 10% de la suma global de recompensa o monto del valor nominal / del contrato (el que sea mayor) y costos (por ejemplo, gastos de diseño / operación del sitio web dedicado). Competencia privada : el contenido de las presentaciones no se hará público. Los paneles de jueces del solicitante firman acuerdos de confidencialidad y no divulgación que prohíben la divulgación o el uso de información divulgada por presentación fuera del proceso de evaluación o uso interno. Renuncia de relación. En vista del desarrollo de productos propios paralelos del Solicitante y del estado de la técnica, las presentaciones de los participantes no crean ninguna relación laboral, confidencial o de asociación con el Solicitante. Los participantes renuncian a la confidencialidad en sus presentaciones y deben buscar el consejo de su asesor de patentes en cuanto a la protección de sus derechos de propiedad intelectual en y para sus presentaciones. Las recompensas pueden incluir : premios / premios de suma global, adquisición inicial, licencia de patente / producto o contrato de licencia para vender el producto bajo la marca del Solicitante y contratos de desarrollo / fabricación de proyectos conjuntos. El Solicitante no pagará compensación por productos adicionales o de seguimiento, ya sea que surjan o no de la licencia de producción inicial del participante, ya que dichos nuevos productos / modelos se consideran sin licencia y son iniciados por el Solicitante. Equipos de inventores transfronterizos : los laboratorios / institutos de investigación y las universidades, las empresas emergentes, los estudiantes y los equipos de inventos a pedido interdisciplinarios de personas colaboradoras se consideran como un participante representado por una sola persona. 1 entrada, 1 invención. Temas / Temas : la mejor solución de problemas técnicos específicos, la creación de nuevos conceptos, productos o métodos para bienes o servicios que se encuentran dentro o fuera de los mercados centrales del patrocinador, o simplemente ideas listas para usar según el tema identificado. Formato de presentación de la invención: Presentaciones de video / Power Point / fotos / animación que no excedan los 5 minutos y una presentación escrita de hasta 3 páginas estándar en PDF / inglés. Contenido de la presentación : resumen del mejor modo y descripción de la solución original / novedosa del problema con dibujos, gráficos o bocetos relacionados junto con ventajas competitivas sobre la técnica anterior / actual (productos, técnicas, etc.), concepto o producto único / eficiencia / escalabilidad / viabilidad / beneficios clave y atractivo masivo de investigación de mercado, si corresponde. Jueces : Los paneles del solicitante de gerentes de producción, consultores de investigación, expertos independientes (si los hay), ingenieros, abogados, diseñadores y planificadores corporativos revisan las presentaciones y pueden realizar videoconferencias con los concursantes sobre los aspectos técnicos de sus innovaciones. Estos paneles eligen las presentaciones que se utilizarán o se convertirán en productos del Solicitante, incluso si los participantes no se convierten en ganadores del concurso, y pueden ofrecer las recompensas correspondientes. Ganadores / Finalistas: Se les puede pedir a los participantes seleccionados que respondan las preguntas de los jueces a través de presentaciones de video en vivo. Los finalistas son notificados por correo electrónico y aparecerán en el sitio web de Tekapult . Tekapult anuncia a los ganadores en una ceremonia de premios. Los nombres y títulos de invención de diez (10) finalistas se publicarán en el sitio web , a menos que el participante solicite la exclusión del nombre de dicha publicación. Horarios de envío de concursos: Los concursos se realizan tres (3) veces al año. El período de presentación finalizará dentro de los 120 días posteriores a la fecha de anuncio del tema del concurso. Plazos de envío progresivo: 1 de febrero, 1 de junio y 1 de octubre. Elegibilidad : Cualquier persona mayor de 13 años (los menores deben estar representados por sus padres), estudiantes con su / s asesor / es, empresas o equipos de investigación (considerados como una entrada por tema determinado), excepto los empleados del Solicitante (y sus familiares directos). ). Recursos globales : ingenieros y científicos de EE. UU., Europa y Asia desarrollan invenciones y tecnologías disruptivas y prometedoras que complementan los esfuerzos internos de I + D del Solicitante. Estas lluvias de ideas transfronterizas sobre temas específicos involucran a miles de expertos unidos por el conocimiento común / universal de ingeniería, científico y técnico. Criterios del sistema de puntuación : Una puntuación estandarizada desarrollada por Tekapult asegura un proceso de selección justo y objetivo basado en la originalidad de la presentación, la etapa de desarrollo, la simplicidad de implementación, la solución del problema y las ventajas sobre el arte existente. Invenciones patentadas * : Las invenciones pueden estar patentadas o no (pero, si procede, debe indicarse la fecha en que se redujeron a la práctica y se revelaron al público como un producto o proceso comercial). En la presentación se deben identificar los números de serie de las solicitudes de patentes de servicios públicos presentadas en los EE. UU. O los números de las patentes emitidas. Los resultados de la búsqueda de patentes incluidos en la presentación ayudarían a evaluar el producto o proceso original, novedoso, no obvio y útil presentado. * Advertencia: La presentación de un concepto / invención puede dar lugar a una prohibición del período legal, lo que puede impedir la presentación de una solicitud de patente de EE. UU. Los concursantes deben consultar con su asesor de patentes antes de participar en los concursos.

  • US Copyright Laws Article | Tekapult

    U.S. COPYRIGHT LAWS An original work of authorship, fixed in a tangible medium of expression for communication with others, either directly or through a device, can be copyrighted. Examples include computer programs, architect’s plans and drawings covering non-functional features and monumental structures, pictures, maps or compilation of facts. Computer programs may enjoy protection under the patent (if in combination with a structure or a process), copyright and trade secret laws. A copyright protects only the form of expression but not the underlying ideas, principles or facts, which therefore can be appropriated by anyone. For instance, facts contained in a copyrighted book can be used without any obligation to the author, but copying the sentences in the book is improper. A copyright would protect the computer program itself but not the underlying techniques. Examples of copyrightable properties: • Commercial advertisements posters, illustrations, a picture, TV commercial; • Manuals and parts catalogs, namely an arrangement and manner of expression; • Promotional literature, books; • Movies and pictures; • Labels that go beyond a mere trademark, i.e. a label has some value as a composition; • Paintings; • Musical works; • Greeting cards and posters; • Maps; • Sculptures, figurines, toys; • Choreographic performances; • Translated text; • Computer program where the copyright covers “menu” screens, screen outputs of particular images, line-for-line instructions, and “structure, sequence, and organization” of the program. Registration is not mandatory, but it is necessary for instituting an infringement action and recovering statutory damages or attorney’s fees. The copyright owner has the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute copies of the work by sale, lease or lending; prepare derivative works; and publicly perform and display the copyrighted works. Ownership of, or property rights to, any material object is not synonymous with the copyright ownership. Therefore, selling that object “does not of itself convey any rights in the copyrighted work embodied in the object”. A copyright can be divided, and conveyed to different parties in increments, such as movie rights, publication rights, right to modify or use, and so on. Copyright can be sold by assignment or licensed. That means a royalty are paid per each performed show or sold copy. Titles of literary works, for books, records or movies, are not copyrightable, but the title of a series (not a single work) of literary works may be registered as a trademark. The Copyright Act specifies classes of work which can be copyrighted. For instance, trademark, title, slogan, trade name, mere listing of ingredients, and other short phrases or expressions cannot be copyrighted regardless of their distinct arrangement. But “labels which go beyond a mere trademark are copyrightable; if a label has ‘some value’ as a composition, it no longer is ‘a mere label'". Commercial advertisements, such as posters, illustrations, and a picture, are copyrightable. The party paying for a specially ordered or commissioned work will not be owner of copyrights to the work, if the “work for hire” does not fall within the prescribed statutory categories and the parties did not sign an agreement defining such work as a “work for hire”. In other words, a commissioned work prepared without a written contract is not a “work for hire”. A “work for hire” must be produced at the request and expense of the employer. The copyright notice must have “C” in a circle, the date of publication (distributed or disclosed to the public) and the owner’s name. Lack of date, or name, “c” in a circle (or the word “copyright”), and postdating for more than one year, render the notice invalid. But predating the notice, changing sequence of notice items, misspelling or using a wrong name would not invalidate the notice. Some of the most lucrative (about $1 billion a year) forms of piracy of copyrighted products is stealing motion picture profits by unauthorized copying and distribution, satellite (using dish antennas) and cable signal interception, public performances in bars, restaurants and other public places, closed-circuit demonstrations to a joint family meetings, and “parallel import” DVD’s. Parallel imports or gray market goods mean legitimate goods brought into the United States without consent of and bypassing dealers authorized to sell these goods here. A copyright has to be registered prior to getting a design patent, because the Copyright Office regulations do not permit such registration otherwise. Copyright infringement may be punished by impounding all infringing copies, injunction, criminal actions against the infringer, awarding a copyright owner actual damages and profits (direct and indirect) of the infringer or statutory damages, attorney’s fees and costs. Even the infringing product’s advertising agency’s profits may be awarded for infringement of copyright. A co-owner of a copyright can independently use or license the use of the copyright, but must account to other co-owners for income earned from such activities. #copyrightlaws #copyrightcovers #recoveringstatutory #commercialadvertisements

  • US Laws on Trademarks Article | Tekapult

    U.S. LAWS ON TRADEMARKS AND TRADE NAMES ​ Trademarks, service marks, and trade names are valuable business assets, which can be licensed or conveyed together with the good will, or “going concern value”, of the business. Trademark is defined in the Federal Trademark Act, Lanham Act (Sec. 45, 15 USCA Sec. 1127) as “...any word, name, symbol or device or any combination thereof adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant to identify his goods and distinguish them from those manufactured or sold by others”. For example: “Winston” cigarettes, “IBM” computers, “Sanka” coffee, or “Xerox” copiers. A service mark is “a mark used in the sale or advertising of services to identify the services of one person and distinguish them from the services of others”. For example: “American Express”, “Merrill Lynch”, “Allstate”, or “Sargent & Lundy, Engineers”. Legal requirements for protecting trademarks and service marks are identical. Trademarks identify goods and service marks identify services. Both trademarks and service marks indicate a sole source, which can be anonymous, and represent uniform quality of such goods or services. “Trade names” and “commercial names” include all names identifying businesses, vocations, occupations, and organizations engaged in trade or commerce. For example: “Boeing”, “Ogilvy & Mathers”, “20th Century Fox”, or “General Motors”. A “Certification Mark” on a product or in connection with a service certifies that origin, material, quality, or the characteristics of such goods or services, or that work or labor was performed by a certain organization, as meeting the standards set up by the certifier. For example: “PC Editors Choice” is the certification mark of PC Magazine. A “Collective Mark” is a trademark or service mark used by the members of a cooperative, an association and other collective group for identification of membership in a collective organization without identifying goods or services. Brand name is synonymous with a trademark. The product shape may serve as a trademark, if it acquires secondary meaning. This means that the mark identifies the product source in the eyes of the public, such as Coca-Cola or Mogen David bottle shapes. The product shape may be subject to a design patent if it has features being new and non-obvious, to ordinary designer. The strongest trademarks are the trademarks, which are arbitrary or fanciful as they do not describe or suggest the product or its characteristics, such as “Lexis”, “Kodak”, “Xerox”, “Parliament” (for cigarettes), or “Huffy” (for bikes). These trademarks can be easily registered on the Principal Register in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) in Washington, D.C. Trademarks, which are descriptive or suggestive of product characteristics, can be registered only if one can prove that they acquired secondary meaning. That is they bring about consumer’s mental association of a product and its single source, such as “Extended Stay” for motels. Such proof is made using direct evidence in the form of surveys or buyer’s testimony. The proof can be made also through circumstantial evidence, such as advertising, length of use, exclusivity of sale, or sales volume. There are many trademarks, which became generic. That means they fell into the public domain and trademark owners lost the marks’ value. For example, the trademarks “cellophane”, “elevator”, “aspirin” and “thermos” became commonly used product descriptions. That may happen to any trademark, which becomes too popular. That is why companies spend a lot of money on education of the public by accenting the words following the trademark. For example, “Xerox” is followed by a word “copiers” or “document company”, “Sanka” is followed by the words “brand of decaffeinated coffee”, “Scotch” is followed by” brand of an adhesive tape”. Trademarks are independent intangible assets, which can generate their own stream of revenue through: • Outright sales; • Licensing or franchising; • Lawsuit settlements arising from infringement of property rights in such assets by other parties; and • Training of personnel, operating and maintaining business equipment, or running the transferee’s or licensee’s business. A registered trademark search may be conducted on-line using commercial and the USPTO databases. Registration with the USPTO is not required but it gives constructive notice to the public, provides evidence of the registrant's ownership, serves as a basis for foreign registrations, gives the right to litigate and seek infringement damages in federal courts, facilitates research and dispute avoidance or resolution, and is used to stop the importation of infringing foreign goods. Infringement on the federally registered trademark may result in closing business or severe financial penalties. Items protectable by Trademarks/Service Marks include: ​ 1. Product Trade Dress 2. Brand, Trade and Internet Domain Names 3. Sub-Brand Names 4. Company Logo 5. Slogans, Mottos and Monikers 6. Corporate Name 7. Packaging Design 8. Title to a series (not a single work) of literary works. 9. Individual’s name (e.g. “Armani” for clothes, “Apple” for computers). 10. Geographic terms, such as “Malibu” or “Seville” for cars. 11. Letters (e.g. MS-DOS for software; BMW for cars;) and Numbers (e.g. “737” for ‘Boeing’ airplanes). 12. Background designs making a separate commercial impression on ordinary buyers, such as a colonel Sanders’ image for the “KFC” food chain. 13. Radio and television program titles and character names. 14. Product shape, if it acquires secondary meaning, i.e. the mark identifies the product source in the eyes of the public (e.g. “Coca-Cola” or “Mogen David” bottle shapes). A product shape may also be protected by a design patent, if it has features being new and non-obvious to an ordinary designer. A product’s intellectual property may be protected via combined legal means. For example, a toy vehicle may be legally shielded by a design patent (protecting the vehicle’s overall appearance), a utility patent (covering the drivetrain structure and operation), copyright law (since a toy is a “work of art”), and trademark law protecting a label identifying the seller. Trademark’s life duration is unlimited if marks are used and respective registration in each country kept current. Nonuse results in a mark’s abandonment and loss of enforcement rights. © 2014, Parad Law Offices, P.C. #servicemarks #intellectualpropertyrights #trademarks

  • Tekapult - Asset Monetization / Project Funding Procurement

    BENEFICIOS Educación estandarizada en toda la organización Referencia rápida para decisiones estratégicas y diarias Eje de gobernanza, gestión de riesgos, protocolos de cumplimiento Mayor rentabilidad + valor de mercado de la empresa Herramienta de prevención de crisis legales

  • US Patents Article | Tekapult

    U.S. Patents Any company becomes international when id exports or imports goods or services. No change in the corporate structure is required for transactions across the US borders. ​ Our firm can prepare joint venture agreements between the US and Ukrainian companies and other intellectual property or corporate law firms can do the same. ​ U.S. patents have a life of 20 years from the date of filing a patent application in the US Patent and Trademark Office. There are no international patents covering all countries. Each country issues its own patent, which may be processed (examined) by either a European Patent Office, or US or Japanese government patent offices. ​ Inventions may be sold on the market with a notice “Patent Pending” after obtaining a filing date and a serial number of a patent application. A patent may be issued after about one to three years or even longer after the filing date. ​ The issued patent will expire unless its maintenance fees are paid to the patent office after 3.5, 7 and 11 years from the issuance date. Each country has its patent requirements and fees. We employ our foreign associates to file, process and maintain patents and trademarks worldwide. You need to select countries in which you believe your products will be sold. Local patents protect from infringement by competitors in the respective countries. ​ We recommend to conduct a state of the art and novelty patent search prior to filing a patent application in order to determine whether the invention is new, novel and non-obvious in comparison with the existing discoveries. Patent Offices conduct their own research when they examine applications, but it is better to distinguish your invention from the rest of the crowd in the initial disclosure and invention description. The preliminary search (about $1,500 including legal opinion as to patentable subject matter) may save a lot of money, time and aggravation in time and may prevent potential infringement of the existing “live” patents. ​ US patents may preclude entry of counterfeit products into the United States as the US Customs would block them at the port of entry into the USA. Sometimes it is even profitable to disgorge the patent infringer’s profits earned by a competitor as a result of their significant marketing efforts. ​ Inventor who wins the race to the patent office enjoys the benefits and priority of the invention as the inventor could block similar inventions made anywhere in the world.In the United States (unlike the rest of the world), inventors are given one year grace period starting to run from the date an invention prototype’s commercial availability or publication (e.g. an article published in a local newspaper or magazine and even if it was authored by the inventor himself). ​ Patents are issued on evolutionary and revolutionary discoveries. It is harder to design around “pioneer” patents having a broad protection of the “staked territory” defined by patent claims. Full disclosure of the best modes of invention operation is required in exchange for 20-year patent “monopoly.” There are design patents (covering only a shape of a product), plant, utility (disclosing a product structure and operation) and method (disclosing steps to be taken to achieve a result). Lately, business model patents have been granted. ​ Inventors cannot modify (except minor clarifications) an invention best mode description (“specification”) after the application has been filed. Additions can be granted a status of ‘continuation-in-part” and patents may be issued on these derivatives. ​ You need a legal counsel guiding you through various legal labyrinths (contracts, licenses, customs, technology transfer, etc.). Your counsel would engage experts and connect you with the right parties in legal and business matters. Each contract or license is negotiated between businessmen with continuous assistance of their attorneys. ​ Municipal, state and federal government filing and other charges are usually listed on the Internet, e.g. U.S. patent and trademark office charges are listed at the and European patent office charges and procedures are listed at . ​ Attorneys usually charge their fees on an hourly basis against a retainer pre-paid in advance. Our firm charges $350.00/hr and request the clients to replenish a $10,000 retainer upon its exhaustion.

  • TEKAPULT – Asset Monetization / Project Funding Procurement

    ACTIVOS SUJETOS A MONETIZACIÓN Activos inactivos y ociosos, que pueden valorarse / tasarse, transformarse en efectivo para capital de trabajo y utilizarse como garantía para diversas actividades comerciales: Cartera de propiedad intelectual (patentes, marcas comerciales, secretos comerciales y derechos de autor) Licencias que generan un flujo de regalías anual Acciones, obligaciones, pagarés del Tesoro de EE. UU., Pagarés Hoteles, edificios de apartamentos / industriales / oficinas, centros comerciales Monedas y lingotes de oro Garantías bancarias, MTN, carta de crédito stand-by, carta de crédito Pinturas, esculturas, obras de arte y artefactos únicos con calidad de museo Lotes de gemas, diamantes, piedras preciosas y pepitas de oro no ensayadas Licencias mineras respaldadas por tasaciones independientes, resoluciones gubernamentales de no nacionalización, estudios de viabilidad y garantías soberanas (promesa de pagar la deuda si el deudor incumple) Garantías soberanas (emitidas por el Estado) Fábricas, plantas, complejos industriales Bosques, madera respaldada por evaluaciones independientes y estudios de viabilidad "Derechos de uso" de la tierra (por ejemplo, servidumbres de ferrocarril o uso agrícola), vías fluviales y espacio aéreo Recibos de conservación segura ("SKR") que confirman el almacenamiento en bancos o almacenes independientes de cobre, molibdeno, platino, plata, zinc, paladio y otros metales o minerales raros procesados Cuentas por cobrar (pagos adeudados al vendedor / proveedor) Donaciones de propiedad intelectual abandonada (para obtener beneficios fiscales) "Colateralización" mediante el uso del valor de disposición más conservador de los activos de propiedad intelectual "Titulización" mediante la emisión y venta de valores respaldados por regalías / flujo de efectivo basados ​​en la propiedad intelectual y que requiere la transferencia de activos de propiedad intelectual al emisor del valor durante el período del préstamo Joint Ventures con competidores, universidades y laboratorios de I + D

  • Mongolia Article | Tekapult

    Mongolia: Hidden “Klondike Gold” for Investors and Manufacturers Over 80 discovered minerals are contained in Mongolian 6,000 known deposits of coal (163.2 billion tons), gold, copper (77.3 million tons), uranium, molybdenum, fluorspar, tungsten, zinc, silver, lead tin and iron. For instance, Oyu Tolgoi deposit of 37 million tons of copper and 1,431 tons of gold is worth US $350 billion, and Tavan Tolgoi reserve has over 6.4 billion tons of thermal coal and coking coal. Mongolia’s coal can be used, inter alia, for electricity generation and production of steel, cement, liquid fuel, paper, medications, soap, aspirins, solvents, dyes, plastics, water/ air purification filters, kidney dialysis machines, carbon fiber (for construction of airplanes, vehicles, mountain bikes and tennis rackets) and silicon metal (for making lubricants, water repellents, resins, cosmetics, hair shampoos and toothpastes).* The Asian country’s vantage of being an interstate trade and travel hub, plus established business and political connections with bordering Russia and China, may yield numerous benefits for U.S. and Western participants in the nation’s economic renaissance. Despite huge resources, 27% of Mongolia’s urban and 50% of rural population live in poverty. The newly elected parliament and government officials are willing to do their best for spurring the nation’s economy not through China-offered financial means but via foreign direct investments and ameliorating the previous government’s and parliament’s erratic legal and legislative actions. Investors and exporters have now lucrative opportunities in this “asset-rich, cash-poor” country desiring to: (1) set up and operate its own metal extraction, ore processing, industrial water recycling, underground water desalination (as surface water is practically used up) systems; (2) build its infrastructure including: solar / wind renewable energy grids, agricultural/ fish/ animal product plants, integrated and intermodal transportation infrastructure (freight carrying railways, trucks and airlines, highways, terminals for transshipment of standardized freight containers) for carrying coal and minerals to China’s and Russia’s ports (and then to Taiwan, Korea and Japan), pharmaceutical supply chains, medical centers, etc.; and (3) train and raise its own cadre of managers, technicians, engineers and scientists. The country’s economy will exponentially flourish by implementing its industrial stimulation programs and asset monetization with the acquired / absorbed U.S. state-of-the-art “know-how” and projects’ funding, preferably without attendant economic and political long-term indebtedness. U.S. project coordinators have knowledge, skills, and resources to apply for, access and obtain the required funding for bona fide causes per strict cross-border banking, tax, and securities laws. They also may, upon request, coordinate and centralize purchase, licensing and in-country assimilation of modern U.S. technologies through joint venture agreements, purchase or establishment of wholly owned or controlled subsidiaries, R&D centers, consulting experts, machinery and plant purchases, and patent licensing agreements. Mongolia may become one of the richest Asian countries by attracting multinational corporations, foreign capital and large-scale investments. One of the capital attraction avenues is its financial system’s re-structuring steps, e.g., reduction of corporate, gift, personal and other taxes; expeditious corporation formation; shareholders’ and officers’ legal protection similar to the Delaware state’s or Swiss laws, etc. The government’s sources of revenue may be increased by carbon credit sales to nations and companies; customs duties (e.g., Bermuda has 25% charge) levied on imported equipment and goods brought by corporations and individuals into the country; real estate taxes; charges for business and vehicle registrations; banks’ licenses, and numerous government-provided services. The amended tax regime and legal system allowing corporate minimum-requirement domicile registration, exemptions on sale income from in-country developed inventions (intellectual property), immigrant-investor program, visa-free travel, and other government incentives would encourage foreign investment and capital influx to the state. Multinational corporations may incorporate in Mongolia their subsidiary corporations, establish their principal place of business (domicile) for purchase of real estate or transnational business operations, red tape reduction for selling throughout Asia and Eurasia, and make other uses of Mongolian laws, resources and geographical advantages. U.S. investors, service and goods’ exporters, manufacturers, and other prospectors will benefit from favorable resource-exploitation license terms for venture partners, increased sales of equipment/ products, brand name promotion, and new markets for the goods and services attendant to the transferred technologies. Mongolia is an unearthed treasure trove for investment-venturing bankers, miners, manufacturers, distributors, hedge funds, and insurance/ health care/ energy /transportation companies. These prospectors would create more jobs and increase profits by assisting this state to capitalize on its natural reserves for catapulting it to the levels exceeding those of Singapore, Hong Kong, or Japan lacking metal or mineral natural resources. *

  • tPrimers | Tekapult

    tPRIMERS Multilingual + Customizable U.S. Federal Law Digests Anti-competition Anti-money laundering Anti-corruption Corporate fraud Insider trading Foreign agent / lobbyist registration Intellectual property protection Import-export of goods U.S. sanctions compliance by non-blocked companies Russia-Related Sanctions: Due Diligence Requirements ​ tPrimers DIGESTS FACILITATE REQUIRED REGULATION COMPLIANCE BY: Corporate Compliance Programs Product Sales’ Legal Clearance Standardized Personnel Education Compliance Protocols’ Backbone Structure tCanons: ABRIDGED GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES “Do” + “Do Not” Actions per U.S. Government Manuals 1-line Actionable Legal Points Quick Reference for Strategic + Daily Decisions Profitability/ Market Value Augmentation by Minimization of Penalties for Wrongful Conduct ​ ​

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